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We have three types of CV in the world. Do you know which is used in Poland?

For those of you who are looking for an answer to this and other polish job market related questions we have a training to offer. Workshop “How to get a job in Poland – job market for foreigners” was created with foreigners in mind.
This workshop is an introduction to getting a job in Poland and it is fully devoted to creating job applications. During the workshop participants will:

  • get to know standards for creating  job applications for polish job market
  • acquire/improve skills of CV and cover letter writing
  • get familiar with tricks from cognitive psychology which help to distinguish job application

During the workshop participants will also have a chance to feel how it is like to be a recruiter. Thanks to that they will have better understanding of the needs of this role and in turn will be able to adjust more adequately their applications.
Workshop will be held in English.


Izabella Wojtaszek is a trainer, psychologist with experience in corporate Human Resource Management. Iza delivered her training programs for such groups as Toastmasters International, AIESEC members from 17 countries, participants of competition Zacznij.biz, start-up of Warsaw Cross-Cutural Centre.
Iza also runs service http://www.PracaNaWymiar.pl and advisory blog http://www.WymiaryKarier.pl.


You can bring your current CV

For more information please contact: iw@pracanawymiar.pl